Padron is the most iconic Nicaraguan-based cigar manufacturer available on the consumer market. Hundreds of thousands of Padron cigars are sold annually based on the merit of the Padron family name alone. Padron does not even utilize dedicated sales representatives because of the success of their brands. The cigars literally sell themselves. Everything Padron makes is carefully crafted and masterfully blended, causing even the regular production line cigars, such as the Padron Series or the Damaso, to be as highly praised and successful as their super-premium cigars. For this reason, if you want to get anyone a good cigar, regardless of their experience level or palate, you get them, Padron.
The Padron Series is one of the most widely distributed Padron cigar brands, coming in a huge variety of vitolas. The Padron 2000 is a 5×50 parejo robusto with a Nicaraguan puro blend. The cigar is made with aged, long-filler tobaccos in the Padron factory, Piloto Cigars Inc., located in Esteli, Nicaragua. Padron’s Nicaragua factory is one of the oldest and most illustrious in Esteli, literally breaking ground in 1970. Because of this, Padron’s tobaccos represent the most sophisticated of Nicaraguan blends.
Upon examination, the wrapper is immaculate and bears a rather ashen brown appearance akin to mahogany. The bouquet of the cigar reminds one of bourbon barrel oak as well as nutmeg and ginger. The 2000 begins strongly, bearing tasting notes of earthy sweetness, such as dark chocolate and molasses, with sharp injections of robust flavor, such as black pepper or mole sauce, as it burns down towards the middle of the cigar. The blend grows as it nears the nub, incorporating notes of cardamom, anise, and turmeric into the earthy sweetness. This is one of the best Nicaraguan cigars commercially available. $175.50 for a box of 25 is an unbeatable value and makes the cigar a worthwhile addition to the cigar aficionados collection.