The Montecristo White Series Toro is an excellent daily smoke and an exemplary shade wrapper cigar.
This cigar is manufactured in the Dominican Republic by Altadis USA at Tabacalera de Garcia, the largest factory in the Dominican Republic. This cigar uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder as well as Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler. The size is a stereotypical parejo toro (6’ x 54). Uniquely, the White Series toro comes in a box of 27. $294.60 for a box of 27 premium shade wrapper cigars is good value.
The cigar’s Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper is light brown and flawless, bearing the distinctive greenish-tan hue associated with shade tobacco. The overall construction of the cigar is perfect and, upon cutting, the smoker can see that all the pieces of long filler are well blended with no thick veins to obstruct the draw. The cold draw is subdued, bearing notes of nuts and grasses. As expected of a toro, the cigar takes a good toasting before an even smoking begins. The draw is slightly tight, but this is because of a construction that helps the cigar from becoming spongy into the latter half of the smoking experience.
The Montecristo White Series has notes of toasted wheat, peanuts, barnyard hay, and nutmeg. The tasting notes are constant companions throughout the entire 45-75 minute smoking experience, being joined by notes of white pepper and rice in the final third of the cigar. The retrohale is creamy and smooth, providing consistent returns on enjoyment. It should be noted that this cigar is rich in the sense of smoke production. The intensity and flavor of the Montecristo White Series are mild to medium.
This is a fantastic cigar. The White Series toro is an immensely popular size, and I can vouch for its quality. Anyone who is a fan of shade wrapper cigars should pick up a box of these. In a world where genuine Connecticut Shade is increasingly elusive, Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade cigars, like the Montecristo White Series, are a godsend.