Buying cigars online has continued to become more commonplace. As the world moves toward online sales for just about everything – clothes, groceries, even prescriptions – cigars are not omitted.
The conflict for many, however, is the missing element of the cigar buying experience. Being able to touch, to feel, to smell the cigars before you purchase was a large part of cigar culture until recent times. Buying cigars online delivers a unique experience all together. So how can you be sure the cigars you’re buying online are fresh and smoke-able? We have some answers and tips.
Buying Cigars by the Box, Bundle, or Pack sells cigars in many different packaging formats to cater to your needs. You can rest easy knowing that each cigar will arrive fresh and in excellent condition. Every cigar sold comes directly from the manufacturer and are sent to you in the exact condition that the manufacturer wants you to receive them at some incredible savings. We are simply the middle-man.
Free Shipping
LM Cigars, always offers various free shipping promotions across a wide range of products. Because of this, you know that even more savings are available to you from LM Cigars. Your shipment comes direct from our properly humidified warehouse straight to your door. They will arrive to you fresh and ready to smoke.
Watch for discounts
The common misconception is that discounts mean cigars have been sitting on a shelf somewhere for far too long without proper humidification and that is why they are priced so low. On the contrary. At, our discounts apply to cigars that we WANT to sell more of – these are brands or manufacturers we believe in, and we want to see their products excel.
To make sure you’re getting updates on the latest discounts, be sure you sign up for our newsletter!