Ashton Cigar Samplers

Closed box of Ashton 5 cigar assortment

Ashton Cigars are among the finest Dominican handmade cigars in the world. Ashton cigars utilize a diverse store of tobaccos from Connecticut, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua to give the cigar aficionado the optimal blend of rich and creamy aromas. Since the 1980s, Ashton has told its customers to, “trust your taste.” As a result, Ashton has reigned as king for decades.

Ashton VSG Cigars

Open box of 12 count Ashton VSG Torpedo cigars

Ashton VSG cigars are some of the fullest-bodied cigars in the Ashton portfolio. Bearing an extensively fermented Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper, the cigar has a very full-bodied profile of earth and pepper. The cigar comes in a wide range of sizes and is recommended for seasoned cigar smokers.

Ashton 8-9-8

Ashton 8-9-8

The Ashton 8-9-8 cigar defines premium Dominican taste in an iconic smooth profile, unsurpassed in quality and consistency. Luxurious Dominican binder and filler tobaccos aged three to four years support a rich, golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Savor an impressive portrait of toasted almonds and coffee bean notes with a touch of sweetness and spices around the edges. New cigar lovers and seasoned connoisseurs discover and relive their affinity for premium cigars with Ashton Classic.

Ashton Cigars

Open box of Ashton Churchill 25 count cigars

The Ashton Classic cigar line is the original blend that built the Ashton Cigar Company. Now, it is the backbone of the Levin family’s empire. Ashton Classic comes in a multifarious range of sizes from the Cordial (6×30) to the Sovereign (6.75×55). Ashton Classic is a smooth to medium-bodied cigar with a Connecticut Shade wrapper and blend of aged Dominican long-fillers.

Ashton Cigars

What is an Ashton Cigar?

Ashton Cigars are among the finest Dominican handmade cigars in the world. Ashton cigars utilize a diverse store of tobaccos from Connecticut, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua to give the cigar aficionado the optimal blend of rich and creamy aromas. Since the 1980s, Ashton has told its customers to, “trust your taste.” As a result, Ashton has reigned as king for decades.

History of Ashton Cigars

Ashton’s history is intimately tied to the history of Holt’s Cigar Company. Robert Levin, inspired from years behind the counter of a successful cigar retailer and wholesaler, branched out into manufacturing through a partnership with Carlito Fuente in 1985. Ever since, Ashton has enjoyed prodigious success.

Ashton Classic Cigars

Ashton Classic is the brand which built the company. Now, it is the backbone of the Levin family’s empire. Ashton Classic comes in a multifarious range of sizes from the Cordial (6×30) to the Sovereign (6.75×55). Ashton Classic is a smooth to medium-bodied cigar with a Connecticut Shade wrapper and blend of aged Dominican long-fillers.

Ashton Cabinet Cigars

Ashton Cabinet is the Classic’s older, more-sophisticated brother. The cigar bears an ultra-fine profile of five-to-seven-year aged Dominican tobaccos. The cigar comes in a variety of numbered sizes from the massive no. 1 figurado (9×52) to the Tres Petite (4.375×42). This cigar is currently available in Ashton samplers. This cigar is smooth to medium-bodied.

Ashton VSG Cigars

Ashton VSG is one of the fullest-bodied cigars in the Ashton portfolio. Bearing an extensively fermented Ecuadorian Sungrown wrapper, the cigar has a very full-bodied profile of earth and pepper. The cigar comes in a wide range of sizes and is recommended for seasoned cigar smokers.

Ashton ESG Cigars

Ashton ESG is the prize jewel in the Ashton diadem. Coming in a comparatively narrow range of sizes, Ashton ESG is made from the finest vintage tobaccos ever grown on the Fuente family farm in the Dominican Republic. This cigar is a fixed idol in the tobacco landscape of the cigar aficionado’s mind. This cigar is medium to full-bodied.

Ashton Heritage Cigars

Ashton Heritage Puro Sol is a medium-bodied cigar made from fine-aged Dominican long filler tobaccos and an Ecuadorian Habana wrapper. It satisfies the longings of nostalgic cigar smokers looking for that old world Cuban cigar profile. This cigar comes in a small range of sizes and is available in Ashton samplers.

Ashton Senoritas Cigars

This is an Ashton small cigar. This cigar is cigarillo sized and comes with either an African Cameroon or Connecticut Shade wrapper, making it mild to medium-bodied. This cigar is recommended as a fast, enjoyable smoke.