NEOS Exotic Sweet cigarillos represent centuries of refined European craftsmanship coupled with the rich yet elegantly smooth taste of Sumatran tobaccos. These mini delights come in three exotic flavors ranging from vibrant cappuccino to creamy vanilla, all packaged in fresh-sealed tins. Prepared in Belgium, NEOS precut, slim shape make these cigarillos perfect for anyone; from the on-the-go connoisseur to the occasional leisurely smoke. The volcanic rich soils of Indonesia give the Java Besaki binder and Sumatra-seed filler a velvety smooth taste that cleanses the palate and relaxes the mind, all at an affordable price.
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mikepigg (verified owner) –
These little cigars are great for a very short smoke. They will last around 5-7 minutes and taste great with just enough sweetness.