Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Casadores cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Michael (verified owner) –
This is a great everyday Cigar. I am surprised how smooth this cigar is, and the more I smoke them the more I like them. Perfect for relaxing after work or mowing the lawn, and they pair well with a nice light beer. To top it off, these are made in America, by Americans. Keep up the great work and wonderful customer service.