Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Casadores Maduro cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Brand: Moya
What are Moya Cigars?
Moya cigars is a brand that has had its place cemented in the history of Ybor City in Tampa, FL. They are crafted by the J.C. Newman Cigar Company, which has a long history in cigar city and is currently rolling cigars in its last operational factory known as El Reloj out of the total 150 factories that used to be in operation within the city limits. Moya cigars pay homage to the pre-embargo production that took place within the Ybor city for over a century. These cigars come in traditional Cuban round packaging while delivering an incredibly value-based, yet flavorful smoke. While these cigars may not be Cuban, they still contribute to the legacy of Cigar City in Tampa, FL. Moya cigars are everyday cigars that are sure to please anyone who has an appreciation for long standing brands and would like to find out how it has been around for many decades.
Moya Casadores Maduro
MSRP: $39.24$27.47You save $11.77In Stock
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Moya Casadores
MSRP: $39.24$27.47You save $11.77In Stock
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Moya Fumas Maduro
MSRP: $39.24$27.47You save $11.77In Stock
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Moya Fumas
MSRP: $39.24$27.47You save $11.77In Stock
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Moya Cigars
MSRP: $0.00$27.47In Stock
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Moya Casadores
Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Casadores cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Moya Fumas Maduro
Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Fumas Maduro cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Moya Fumas
Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Fumas cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Moya Cigars
Moya Cigars- Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers!
Types of Moya cigars
Moya cigars are available in two different sizes with a Natural and Maduro variety. The Casadores is a 5.5 x 48 and the Fumas are a 6 x 45. These cigars come in traditional Cuban round bundles of 18.
Moya Casadores (5.5 x 48)
Moya Casadores cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.
Moya Fumas 6 x 45
Made in the only factory still operating in historic Cigar City, Tampa, Florida; Moya Fumas cigars bring cigar lovers back to a blissful time before the Cuban-embargo. While Moya is not a Cuban cigar, it is packaged in traditional Cuban rounds. Its smooth and rich flavors pair perfectly with a bold cup of coffee and is a sweet reminder of the everyday Cuban smokes Americans once enjoyed. These surprisingly affordable cigars are made with 100% Dominican filler and tantalize the taste buds in both natural and maduro wrappers.