The luxury of Davidoff cigars into a mini cigarillo format. The Davidoff Mini Gold cigar is the perfect size cigar for those days when you are short on time but still want to enjoy a quality smoke. Expertly crafted with a Sumatra wrapper and filler tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic, these hand-rolled mini cigarillos are sure to please.
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Davidoff Cigars- The iconic Davidoff cigar brand is known for classic blends that deliver a heady combination of sweet and smooth woody notes. Handmade and created with the same care, devotion and attention to detail as all Davidoff cigars. Each Davidoff cigar series has a unique flavor profile and showcases how a luxury cigar should be!
The Davidoff Primeros Classic cigar deliver a heady combination of sweet and smooth woody notes. Handmade and created with the same care, devotion and attention to detail as all Davidoff cigars. These Davidoff Primeros Classic cigars feature premium Dominican filler, a Dominican San Vicente binder, and an ultra-premium Connecticut wrapper. So, no matter how little time you have, these will go a long way!
What is Davidoff?
Davidoff cigars are some of the world’s finest cigars. Handmade from the finest tobaccos found the world over, Davidoff cigars are known for the quality of their Dominican manufacturing and the huge range of brands and availability. Davidoff cigars are a blend Indonesian, Dominican, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan tobaccos.
History of Davidoff
The Davidoff family were a family of Russian Jewish immigrants who fled political and religious persecution in Russia to Switzerland in 1906. The family began a cigar shop in Geneva and rose to prominence in the 1940’s. After the Second World War, the brand became an internationally recognized cigar manufacturer with the help of Cuban cigarmaking expertise and fine imported tobaccos. Now, the brand manufacturers millions of cigars from its Dominican cigar factory.
Davidoff Primeros
Davidoff Primeros are small tins of 30 petit robusto cigars with Connecticut shade wrappers and Dominican filler tobaccos. These cigars are smooth to medium-bodied.
Davidoff Mini Gold
Davidoff Mini Golds are small tins of 100 cigarillos with Sumatran shade wrappers and Dominican and Brazilian filler tobaccos. These cigars are smooth to medium-bodied.