The Baccarat Churchill cigar is truly a unique blend with a touch of sweetness to it. This smooth blend features a creamy Connecticut wrapper, a Mexican binder, and flavorful Honduran long fillers. Baccarat was the original premium brand with a distinct sweet flavor on the market, and the Baccarat Churchill continues to be one of the best-selling cigars on the market today!
Brand: Baccarat
What is Baccarat Cigar?
Baccarat is a premium cigar brand that was created by Davidoff of Geneva. Currently, production is being held at the old Camacho factory. These cigars are commonly known as Baccarat cigar but the full name of these is Baccarat the Game Cigars. It is currently known as one of the most popular brands in the U.S. These cigars are relatively smooth cigars that are perfect for beginners trying to get a taste of the industry and all the wonders that cigars hold. These cigars are considered incredibly smooth with a hint of sweetness. To see why these has been around for as long as it has been, pick some up today!
Types of Baccarat Cigars
Currently on our page, we offer the Natural Baccarat Churchill. The cigar is smooth but comes with a nice hint of sweetness on the backend. Baccarat is one of the top selling brands in the U.S.
Baccarat Churchill
The Baccarat Churchill cigar is truly a unique blend with a touch of sweetness to it. This smooth blend features a creamy Connecticut wrapper, a Mexican binder, and flavorful Honduran long fillers. Baccarat was the original premium brand with a distinct sweet flavor on the market, and Baccarat Churchill continues to be one of the best-selling cigars on the market today!