The edgy Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Gordo cigar is a “smooth everyday smoke” with a touch of sweetness in the cap of the cigar to give it that extra flavorful delight. You will enjoy a natural tobacco taste from the Cibao valley with well aged long filler Dominican tobaccos with a touch of sugar cane, honey, and wine on the cap to stimulate your palate just at the right level!
Brand: Rough Rider Sweets
Rough Rider Sweets
A late arrival to the premium cigar industry, Indianhead Cigars found a niche producing a variety of value-oriented, Dominican handmade cigars. Of those Dominican brands, the Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut offers the cigar aficionado an excellent cigar with a good selection of aged Dominican tobaccos, an authentic Connecticut shade wrapper, and a sweetened tip. This sweetened tip enhances the natural aroma of the shade tobacco without overwhelming it. Indianhead Cigars is a Dominican cigar company. It is owned and operated by Jochy Blanco, a master cigarmaker and blender commonly associated with another company: La Galera Cigars. Indianhead Cigars are made at the same cigar factory as La Galera: Tabacalera Palma in Tamboril in the Dominican Republic. Indianhead is Jochy’s attempt at combining the seemingly contradictory terms of premium, value, and boutique. The results do not disappoint. The Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut are a line of cigars that boggle the mind as to what Jochy’s margin of profit is off each cigar. The quality of the long fillers far outstrips the quality of Baccarat sweet tips or Acid aromatic cigars. Some cigar aficionados view sweet tip cigars with disdain due to a perceived corruption of the natural flavor of the tobacco. However, sweet tip cigars ought to be perceived more as an inducement for the nascent cigar smoker. A newer coffee smoker cannot enjoy more robust coffee flavors without sugar or cream to soften the impact upon the palate. In the same way, a cigar with a sweetened tip allows a cigar smoker with a more sensitive palate to enjoy a wider range of tobaccos. In the case of the Rough Rider Sweets, the sweetened tip enhances the natural flavors of the Connecticut shade tobacco used for the wrapper and the blend of Dominican Cuban-seed tobaccos used for the filler.
Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Gordo
MSRP: $124.30$105.66You save $18.64In Stock
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Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Robusto
MSRP: $110.00$93.50You save $16.50In Stock
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Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Toro
MSRP: $115.44$98.12You save $17.32In Stock
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Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Churchill
MSRP: $119.60$101.66You save $17.94In Stock
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Rough Rider Sweets Cigars
MSRP: $0.00$93.50 – $105.66In Stock
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Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Robusto
The edgy Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Robusto cigar is a “smooth everyday smoke” with a touch of sweetness in the cap of the cigar to give it that extra flavorful delight. You will enjoy a natural tobacco taste from the Cibao valley with well aged long filler Dominican tobaccos with a touch of sugar cane, honey, and wine on the cap to stimulate your palate just at the right level!
Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Toro
The edgy Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Toro cigar is a “smooth everyday smoke” with a touch of sweetness in the cap of the cigar to give it that extra flavorful delight. You will enjoy a natural tobacco taste from the Cibao valley with well aged long filler Dominican tobaccos with a touch of sugar cane, honey, and wine on the cap to stimulate your palate just at the right level!
Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Churchill
The edgy Rough Rider Sweets Connecticut Churchill cigar is a “smooth everyday smoke” with a touch of sweetness in the cap of the cigar to give it that extra flavorful delight. You will enjoy a natural tobacco taste from the Cibao valley with well aged long filler Dominican tobaccos with a touch of sugar cane, honey, and wine on the cap to stimulate your palate just at the right level!
Rough Rider Sweets Cigars
The edgy Rough Rider Sweets cigar line is a “smooth everyday smoke” with a touch of sweetness in the cap of the cigar to give it that extra flavorful delight. You will enjoy a natural tobacco taste from the Cibao valley with well-aged long filler Dominican tobaccos with a touch of sugar cane, honey, and wine on the cap to stimulate your palate just at the right level!
What are Rough Rider Sweets?
Rough Rider Sweets are Dominican handmade cigars with a sweetened tip. These cigars come as a box of twenty-five.
History of Rough Riders
Rough Riders are a young brand of Dominican handmade cigars. They have a sweetened-tip and, due to the quality of their craftsmanship and the value of the box, have taken the cigar industry by force.
Rough Rider Sweets
These are smooth-bodied Dominican handmade cigars made from fine aged Dominican filler tobaccos and Connecticut Shade wrappers. They come in boxes of twenty-five and have a sweetened tip.