The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Gran Corona cigar is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Gran Corona, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time. A classic smooth cigar made by the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company.
Brand: Montesino
Sharing a name with one of the first missionaries to the Dominican Republic, Antonio de Montesino, Montesino was one of the first cigar brands Carlos Fuente, Sr. manufactured in the Dominican Republic in the 1980’s. These cigars were powerhouses in the 1990’s, sustaining the company through the sobering aftermath of the cigar boom. As such, the cigar now ranks among the oldest names in the Fuente portfolio. After all this time, the cigar maintains renown for its remarkable flavor and value. Montesino cigars come in boxes of twenty-five as short filler and long filler tobaccos. These cigars are smooth to medium bodied with a consistent balance. Even the maduro wrapper cigars, typically bearing a greater strength and potency, are smooth and enjoyable—the ideal after-dinner cigar. Many older cigar smokers remember the iconic Fuente advertisements with Cynthia Fuente holding a Montesino cigar. Just like Cynthia, Montesino is a timeless classic. Indeed, Cynthia continues to celebrate every Monday with a Montesino cigar. This cigar is a remembrance of her family and specifically her father. This cigar is the kiss shared between Tampa and the Dominican Republic. Incorporating finely aged Connecticut Shade or Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and Dominican filler tobaccos, these cigars are the classic flavors and shapes of Tampa cigars in the new packaging of the Dominican Republic. Buying this cigar keeps a beautiful, nostalgic cigar brand on shelves around the United States. Furthermore, this cigar is a throwback to one of the greatest times in cigar manufacturing history. It conjures forth the camaraderie of smoking and tobacco.
Montesino Gran Corona
MSRP: $172.50$138.00You save $34.50In Stock
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Montesino Gran Corona Maduro
MSRP: $172.50$138.00You save $34.50In Stock
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Montesino Robusto
MSRP: $147.50$118.00You save $29.50Item on Backorder. Will Ship Separately When Available.
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Montesino No. 1 Maduro
MSRP: $153.75$123.00You save $30.75In Stock
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Montesino Diplomaticos Maduro
MSRP: $136.25$109.00You save $27.25In Stock
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Montesino Diplomatico
MSRP: $136.25$109.00You save $27.25In Stock
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Montesino No. 1
MSRP: $153.75$123.00You save $30.75In Stock
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Montesino Toro
MSRP: $163.75$131.00You save $32.75In Stock
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Montesino Toro Maduro
MSRP: $163.75$131.00You save $32.75In Stock
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Montesino No. 2
MSRP: $146.25$117.00You save $29.25In Stock
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Montesino No. 2 Maduro
MSRP: $146.25$117.00You save $29.25In Stock
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Montesino Robusto Maduro
MSRP: $147.50$118.00You save $29.50In Stock
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Montesino Cigars
MSRP: $0.00$23.95 – $138.00In Stock
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Montesino Gran Corona Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Gran Corona Maduro is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Gran Corona Maduro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Robusto
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Robusto is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Robusto, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time. A classic smooth cigar made by the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company.
Montesino No. 1 Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino No. 1 Maduro is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino No. 1 Maduro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Diplomaticos Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Diplomaticos Maduro cigar is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Diplomaticos Maduro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Diplomatico
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Diplomatico is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Diplomatico, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino No. 1
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino No. 1 is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino No. 1, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Toro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Toro cigar is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Toro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time. A classic smooth cigar made by the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company.
Montesino Toro Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Toro Maduro cigar is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Toro Maduro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino No. 2
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino No. 2 is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino No. 2, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino No. 2 Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino No. 2 is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino No. 2, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Robusto Maduro
The Arturo Fuente made Montesino Robusto Maduro is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrappers, once you light up and relax with a Montesino Robusto Maduro, you’ll discover a cigar that will satisfy your expectations every time.
Montesino Cigars
Montesino Cigars- The Arturo Fuente made Montesino cigar line is a unique blend of five-year-old vintage tobaccos creates a smooth, flavorful cigar that is enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Only featuring the finest aged Connecticut shade natural wrappers or dark Maduro wrappers. Once you light up and relax with a Montesino cigar, you’ll discover a blend that will satisfy your expectations every time. A classic smooth cigar made by the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company!
What is Montesino?
Montesino is a brand of Dominican handmade cigars from Arturo Fuente Cigar Co.’s Tabacalera A. Fuente. These cigars are made from Connecticut wrappers and aged Dominican filler tobaccos. These cigars come in boxes of twenty-five. These cigars are some of the longest-running and most popular Fuente cigars on the market.
History of Montecristo
Montesino cigars were one of the first Dominican handmade brands produced by Arturo Fuente after they established their factory in the Dominican Republic in 1980. In the 1990’s, these cigars became one of the most successful cigar brands of the cigar boom. Even after the cigar boom ended in 1997, these cigars kept their popularity and today are a common find in humidors around the world.
Montesino cigars come in a huge variety of sizes and types with either a Connecticut Shade wrapper, which is smooth to medium-bodied, or a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, which is medium to full-bodied. These cigars all have aged Dominican filler tobbacos, either long or short. These cigars come in boxes of twenty-five and represent great value.