The Cohiba Toro Tubo cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor, yet medium bodied in strength. True cigar connoisseurs know the name Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the market. Flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba boasts a Cameroon wrapper, Indonesian binder, and a blend of Dominican filler tobaccos featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a luxury cigar for the ages!
Brand: Cohiba
What are Cohiba Cigars?
Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the world’s finest cigars. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba is the product of masterful blending. Featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos aged under the watchful eyes of our artisans, Cohiba is a dimensional, slightly spicy smoke created for the initiated.
Cohiba Red Dot Robusto
The Cohiba Red Dot Robusto cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor, yet medium bodied in strength. True cigar connoisseurs know the name Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the market. Flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba boasts a Cameroon wrapper, Indonesian binder, and a blend of Dominican filler tobaccos featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a luxury cigar for the ages!
Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba Cigars- The Cohiba cigar blends are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor yet balanced in strength. True cigar connoisseurs know the name Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the market. Flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba (Red Dot) boasts a Cameroon wrapper, Indonesian binder, and a blend of Dominican filler tobaccos featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a luxury cigar for the ages!
Types of Cohiba cigars
Cohiba cigars that are currently offered are the red dot Robusto as well as the Toro Tube.
Cohiba Robusto
The Cohiba Robusto cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor, yet medium bodied in strength. True cigar connoisseurs know the name Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the market. Flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba boasts a Cameroon wrapper, Indonesian binder, and a blend of Dominican filler tobaccos featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a luxury cigar for the ages!
Cohiba Toro Tubo
For those who would prefer their cigars in easy-to-travel containers, the Cohiba Toro Tubo is the perfect cigar encased in a sturdy aluminum tube for easy travel and transport while still carrying the same great Cohiba experience!